Friday, July 22, 2011

If you've never been deeply hurt by someone else, don't bother reading this

Just some interesting, possibly life-changing stuff from a book I'm reading:

"People who score high on forgiveness as a personality trait are less likely to be depressed, anxious, hostile, narcissistic, or exploitative and are also less likely to become dependent on drugs or nicotine. They are more likely to be empathic. Combat veterans suffering from PTSD experience less depression and fewer symptoms of trauma if they are able to forgive themselves and others. 'High forgivers' (those who score high on forgiveness as a trait) show less reactivity in blood pressure and arterial pressure when asked about conflict with a parent or caregiver. In contrast, those who score low in forgiveness show high reactivity and poor recovery...

"In one study of thirty divorced or permanently separated mothers with young children, those who had forgiven their ex-husbands reported a greater sense of self-acceptance and purpose and lower levels of anxiety and depression. ... One 2001 study found that the impact of forgiveness was truly global: from age 18 onward, the extent to which people reported the tendency to be forgiving strongly buffered them against psychological stress.

"Just deciding to forgive someone doesn't work very well, according to studies. Far more effective is the process of invoking love, compassion, and empathy and practicing forgiveness exercises. ... A one-on-one forgiveness intervention conducted by Robert Enright was highly effective in helping women who had been molested increase their hope and decrease their anxiety and depression. After intervention, emotional health in a group of such women was just as good as or better than that of women who had not been molested. ... Says Robert Enright, "All of the incest survivors asked us, "Are you sure you want me in the study? I will not forgive this person,' and we said, 'Yes, we want you in the study.' Then they said, 'Well, my motivation for being here is to make myself better.'

" ... A forgiveness intervention with men whose partners had decided to have an abortion showed the same decrease in grief, anger, and anxiety." (Why Good Things Happen to Good People, Post & Neimark)

I ran every day this week except yesterday; instead, I swam for 1 1/2 hours. I keep moving the whole time, swimming laps or treading water. This morning I ran a mile at my fastest speed yet, about 5 mph avg. Still not very fast but an improvement. Now I am SO sore! I called my supervisor to come down and let me in the lab instead of climbing the stairs. I've lost 5 lbs this last month. Running has always been the only way for me to lose weight but I've been in denial, thinking I could do it some other way. Interestingly, since starting to feel runner's high, it's no longer drudgery to get on the treadmill.

Melody is in Oregon at her Aunt Nancy's, picking berries with her cousins. I miss her a lot. The kids are back from their dad's early--they just like to be home. My house was spotless the day before they returned. The next day, when I got home from work, a tornado had come through the front room and kitchen. See? It's not just my housekeeping ability--it's mostly kids.

Have a good day!

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