June 7, 2011
Classes end Monday, Tuesday is a reading day, then it’s finals week. I feel weary. I always push myself and bite off more than I can chew and I wish I could stop doing it but I don’t know how to change my basic personality. I’m not taking any classes in July or August so that’s my effort to slow it down a little for now.
Two nights ago, Sam woke up at 3 am with a toothache. He kept me up until about 5 am. I’ve been getting up in the night with crying or sick kids for 27 years. Time to move on to the next phase, I’m pretty sure. (See biting/chewing above for how I get myself into these situations.) Then I had to take him to the dentist the next day for an emergency procedure. A baby molar chipped because of a cavity and the nerve was exposed and/or infected. I like the dentist in Nephi because he’s so good with kids and works fast so I drive 50 miles one way. Then I stopped in to see Marene in Mona, went home for 5 minutes, and went to school ‘till 6:40 pm. I didn’t get any homework done that day. So now I’m playing catch-up.
I just finished the last project for the writing class! The only thing left is to reread the entire 186 page textbook and memorize it for the final. Ha! (When is there time to clean my house, do laundry, and be a decent mom?) There’s one project left in ISys--the HTML project. I have to make a website using HTML code which we were introduced to yesterday. There will be a test on it Monday and then the final is the last thing. I really need a break because I feel mentally exhausted. Or it could just be sleep-deprivation.
Whenever I am trying to lose weight, I put different things in my shopping cart; more good protein, more produce, no chocolate or donuts. Lunch was tilapia and steamed broccoli; dinner was a baked chicken and cucumber slices which is great, except for the Haagen Dazs bars I also ate. So I need to convince myself to eat well all the time. I wish I could blame it on the stress of the last two years but that would only be partially true. The goal is to eat something raw at every meal. ‘Cause I’ve looked in the mirror and I’m not getting any younger. Youth is wasted on young people. I know I didn’t appreciate how good I looked until it started slipping away from me.
Sorry for rambling. I just need to go take a nap.
Kathleen, Okay, I was following all the different things you had going on... school, tooth infection, no sleep,.. and I was thinking, "okay, she can do this", then I read that you were dieting too!!!! NOOOOO NOOOO THAT'S. TOO. MUCH!!!! I can't even floss my teeth when I'm dieting. Dieting consumes (no pun intended) every bit of energy... physical, mental, emotional!.. and financial.. Even diet food is more expensive then cheap carbs. Hang in there, sister! Love you!