As soon as he left, I grabbed my cap and gown and ran out the door to check Nathan, Joy and Sam out of school so they could go to my graduation. We got to UVU 45 minutes before I was supposed to check in, fought our way through the crowd, found Melody (what did we do before cell phones??) and by the time I figured out where to check in, I was very near the back of the line of approximately 300 business school graduates. We filled out our card so the photographers can contact us, then lined up. It was way too hot with all of us crammed in the hallway until we snaked around to the other side of the auditorium. Someone had propped open a door letting in freezing cold air and we stood for about 30 minutes waiting. I felt vaguely like a gladiator in the bowels of the Coliseum, waiting my turn to go into the arena. And somewhere between the house and arriving there, my tassel disappeared. Sigh-best laid plans. When it was over, Melody was thoroughly annoyed with her younger siblings. Later, Nathan asked me which of my kids was the brattiest and if any of them weren't bratty. Sorry to say, Nathan, you were all bratty.
When we got home, my ex-husband was waiting to take the kids for the weekend. Not sure he believed me that the internet was down and I didn't get his email saying what time he'd be there. I have rarely talked to him face to face for almost 2 yrs. He doesn't look good; he looks haggard, tired and old. I hope he finds what he's looking for. I hope I do, too.